A self build house project diary
by Oliver Cannell

An amazing difference and transformation

Site Clearance (Day 2) - The plot looks completely different when I arrive on the morning of the 2nd day.

Wow, what a difference a day makes - to quote a phrase. When I turned up on-site this morning, it looked like a different place. Completely transformed. Most of the greenery has been removed and some of it has been taken away too. The rest of it has been pushed into a big pile in the middle, to be dealt with later. Also, there were 2 deep holes (about 2.5 metres deep) which had been dug to assess the condition of the soil. The guys were all there as I arrived, so it was good to discuss the details with them. Apparently the soil at that level is what's known as 'green sand'. You can see in the photos that there is a slight green tint to the sandy soil they dug out. This is as expected, so the foundations that have been designed are already suitable for this type of ground. The holes were filled in again, not long afterwards. 😊

Next entry: Final day of site clearance - felling the willow tree (Tuesday 16th March 2010)

Previous entry: First real physical action on the site (Tuesday 9th March 2010)

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