A self build house project diary
by Oliver Cannell

Building site virtual tour

See the building site in it's full 360-degree glory, with these two virtual panoramic photos.

Hopefully these views will give you a better feel for the size of the plot, the position of the things we're building and the general state of progress.

View from (what will be) the patio area

​Here you can see the retaining wall which will be holding up the public footpath, coming along nicely. The blocks will be rendered, in the same colour as the house, while some of the blue engineering brick course will be visible.

Although you can see some large pools of water, the land does generally drain quite quickly. This might be due to it being green sand rather than clay (but correct me if I’m wrong).

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View from the manhole cover

​As a consistent point of reference throughout the whole project, this is a view from the manhole cover, in the middle of the lawn - or what will be a lawn eventually. This sits right above the main sewer pipe, which serves the whole row of house on this side of the street. Yummy!

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Next entry: Is it a fence? Is it a wall? Neither yet. (Saturday 3rd May 2014)

Previous entry: The retaining wall continues (Sunday 23rd March 2014)

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