Day 2 - Site clearance
So, the majority of the main site area was clear yesterday and piled up a rather large heap ready for taking away (or burning if the non-stop wet weather will allow it).
There is so much to get rid of - not only natural waste and top soil, but people's rubbish - that there is already going to be an additional cost which wasn't anticipated. I'm sure it could have been, had the site been checked out during the quotation phase… but it wasn't accounted for in the quote. Nevermind, it wont be a huge cost but when you're working on a mega tight budget it would be nice to keep everything within decent limits.
Little 'extras' like this (although it's necessary to satisfy the Planners whims) are not always welcome… but we'd have to have cleared the site anyway.
Today was more of the same - clearing. This time the front of the plot, where the willow tree used to be and where the driveway will be.
For the time being it will be used to park builders vehicles.
You can just about see the stump from the willow tree in the photos - it's quite large and so are some of the roots. No wonder people don't like them and they play havoc with drains and pipes.
I've walked onto site for the first time in a long time, now that it's clear. Am still getting a real buzz from seeing things happening and hearing proper building-type noises.
The bright orange plastic fencing around the front now gives the site an authentic building-site feel.