First step towards toasty toes
Getting the underfloor heating installed is another big milestone which we've been looking forward to.
It was great to see a different colour material on site today. It's not quite a red carpet... but instead a red vacuum formed plastic tray system, which will be used to secure the water pipes for the undefloor heating.
The plastic trays basically look like the bottom half of an egg box, with lots of raised profiles, which the water pipes are bent around, in big loops, all over the floor space of the house.
The heating manifold - in the small cupboard next to the bathroom - will connect each of these pipes up to the boiler. It will control the flow of hot and cold water around each of the loops, to provide heating to each of the zones around the house.
In total there will be 7 individually temperature controlled zones, which apparently are more than usual for a 3 bed bungalow. The plumber and builder have been very generous with us and have more than gone the extra mile to get this heating installed. If you're interested in finding out about underfloor heating for your home, we can highly recommend
Now that all the trays have been laid, the piping will be installed next and connected up. Exciting stuff!