A self build house project diary
by Oliver Cannell

Frosty roof reveals minor heat loss

Results of a little home heat loss and insulation experiment

There was a decent amount of frost everywhere this morning, so I took opportunity to check out how well the roof insulation is performing.

I was hoping to see a nice smooth, unbroken layer of frost across the roof - meaning that no heat has been escaping - but instead you can see there are tiny little hotspots which have melted the frost.

I expect this is nothing compared with the roofs of most of Britain's homes... but I was hoping for perfection.

In a previous Blog entry, I told you about the 'little' extra process we went through of adding some small blocks off foam insulation to the roofing construction screws, which were protruding through the underside of the construction. This was in the hope of minimising the amount of heat that would leak through the screws to the outside world.

Well, it looks like some is getting out... but probably nothing to worry about. An interesting experiment anyway and good to the see actual results. Maybe we should have left a couple of screws bare, as control points, to what the actual difference would be. Oh well... next time!

Next entry: Bathroom and en-suite sanitary items ordered (Wednesday 21st January 2015)

Previous entry: Skimming with wet plaster (Monday 19th January 2015)

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