A self build house project diary
by Oliver Cannell

Insert suitable gag about laying drains for sinks and toilets here

Nope couldn't think of a gag - somewhat surprisingly - it's been a long day.

So, it's been a busy day on site and a significant development has been made, so I figured it would be worth a special blog entry.

The brown PVC piping has been laid, which will lead from the bathroom and the en-suite, under (what will be) the screed floor, out through the external walls (although below grown level) and then lead into the black inspection chambers. These will be capped with a manhole cover. The piping itself will eventually all be connected to the main sewer, which we have already connected into below ground.

As there are 2 pipes exiting the house from the side shown in these photos - plus one from the kitchen corner - there will be 3 access chambers visible on the ground once the patio is done. But these are quite essential for the changes of direction required for the piping and also for accessing the pipes should there be a blockage. Fingers crossed that won't happen!

Preparing the slab

Also, more work has been done to prepare the slab. On top of the ballast, a layer of sand has been spread and compacted to create a fairly solid bed, ready for the concrete pour. This should be happening sometime in the next few days once all the boundary blocks have been laid and all the sections (rooms) have been prepared in the same way as you can see here.

Next entry: Progress with building the house footprint and slab (Tuesday 12th August 2014)

Previous entry: Coming out of the ground one layer at a time (Thursday 7th August 2014)

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