A self build house project diary
by Oliver Cannell

More fence repairs. Thanks a lot local kids!

To keep the site safe and help prevent people gaining access, I've had to patch up the temporary fencing.

My 'friendly' neighbours had been having a go at the temporary fencing again, so I thought it best to patch it up.

The last thing I need is someone blaming me for injuring themselves on the site, coz they gained access without permission. And the crazy way the law works in this country... it would be my fault! There is plenty of fencing and building-site signage around the boundary now, so there is no excuse for people not knowing they shouldn't be there.

Hopefully we can start the build soon, so I don't have to keep patching up the fencing.

Next entry: Big News: House now up for sale (Thursday 7th April 2011)

Previous entry: Builder’s Quotes - whistle while you wait (Wednesday 9th March 2011)

Had to do the same thing last week myself. But if its any consolation my dad had to do the same thing 20 years ago, so it’s been going on a while, but it’s a pain and you know you will get sued if don’t sure it up.

Building Material Suppliers  on  Tuesday, 7th June 2011  at  16:24

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