One steel, two steels, three steels…
The first of the steels have been erected but there are more to come.
After a little modification to the blocks already laid, to make way for the fixing plates, four holes were drilled into the concrete foundations and the steels were bolted into place with a quick-setting resin adhesive.
These three steel columns, will support the wall above the windows and doors along the front of the house, as well as one edge of the roof.
The central column will be visible (although it will be boxed-in or concealed in some way) but the other two will be hidden inside the cavity walls.
They have been supplied and fitted by the actual manufacturer, so it's good to have the experts on-site to make sure everything goes smoothly. Once the builders are ready, more steels will be bolted into place to form the rest of the roof support structure.
Although these are only vertical lines, visually speaking, at the front of the house, I can really start to see how the overall size of the frontage will be. Plus I can imagine how the big glass windows and french doors will sit nicely inbetween the openings.