A self build house project diary
by Oliver Cannell

Planning permission application successful!!

A prevailing wind, a bit of luck, and a handful of planning concessions & conditions, means we get the green light!

Great news received officially in paper-form today. I had received word from the architect a few days ago that it was going through and that an official stamp was just a formality, but not wanting to tempt fate, I thought it best to keep my mouth shut. Is that the pop of champagne corks I can here?! :-D

So, we are clear to go ahead with the design as planned which is great. There a list of 12 planning conditions that must be met prior to the build being started on site, but nothing overly strenuous. Things like a planting plan, so they can see what greenery will be in place (a little harsh) and making sure the driveway is solid to allow access for construction vehicles. Relatively simple and basic stuff.

I think the only disappointment, was the comment received from the planning officer about the plan. Apparently, she has passed it, "against her better judgement". Hmmmm, sounds pretty negative to me! A subject for a whole blog entry another time (or full article for that matter) but from reading her Report, it seems the whole thought process in the Planning department, is based on reasons why they shouldn't let a plan be successful. Glass half empty anyone? With a massive housing shortage in this country, shouldn't they be looking for reasons to help self-builders get their plans passed?

Sure, all the neighbours' opinions and rights still need to be taken into account, but I think there is a serious lack of open-mindedness in allowing houses to be built. Surely - unless we are talking about an area of outstanding naturally beauty - variety in styles and design, is more desirable than building more houses that look the same; that are boring and drab; that can sometimes be frankly depressing to look at. My opinion of course... but I can't stand lack of creativity when it comes to things like these.

Next entry: Moving on to the next stage of the design process (Tuesday 6th October 2009)

Previous entry: Planning permission application submitted (Tuesday 18th August 2009)

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