A self build house project diary
by Oliver Cannell

Cutting bricks down to size for the boundary wall

A quick peek at what it takes cut some bricks down to size.

It's taken a few weeks to cut the corners of 440 blue engineering bricks, in preparation for using them to cap off the boundary wall.

The saw is very loud (as you can hear in the video) plus very wet and messy. The water is used to cool the diamond-tipped saw blade down, otherwise it would just melt when trying to cut these very hard bricks.

It was nice to do some proper work on-site myself and to actually put some physical labour into the project, instead of just asking questions and making decisions.

Next entry: Coming out of the ground one layer at a time (Thursday 7th August 2014)

Previous entry: First blocks laid for house itself (Tuesday 29th July 2014)

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